Noted Privacy Expert Warns: “The final piece to the digital prison won’t be in place until…”
America’s “Digital Pearl Harbor”
Here’s How You Protect Yourself And Your Loved Ones By
Taking Back Your Online Privacy…
Dear fellow freedom lover,
For the first time in history, the US government is determined to strip you of your right to privacy.
They are no longer even hiding this fact.
Just consider…
On April 20, 2024, your brilliant and ethical legislators in Congress passed an extension (yet again) of the FISA law that allows warrantless search and surveillance of US citizens.
Your elected “representatives” actually argued that the Fourth Amendment to our Constitution is a hindrance to government spying without a warrant. Whoa!
I hate to point out the obvious here but…
The Fourth Amendment was adopted to make it impossible for the US government to spy on its own citizens – and it’s now effectively null and void.
The Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution
FISA Section 702 allows the government to surveil anyone and everyone – without a warrant or probable cause. They don’t even have to tell you you’re under surveillance – let alone why.
This is the kind of thing that used to go on in the Soviet Union and East Germany.
So, on the one hand, the US government needs to spy on you because, ya know, national security…
But on the other hand… tens of thousands of illegals flood across the southern border every month – some unknown number of whom are likely to do harm in the months and years ahead.
Is there a solution to this kind of Orwellian madness?
Yes. There is, and you just found it right here on this page.
How do you protect yourself from out of control government overreach?
By radically reducing – and even eliminating – the data you allow to be collected on you and your private life.
The good news is I can show you how to take back control of your privacy in as little as 15 minutes a day.
Let’s get started…
The Next Date That Will Live In Infamy:
(DAY?) / (MONTH?) / 2024
A few pivotal dates define US history:
December 7th, 1941… November 22, 1963… and September 11th, 2001.
No one needs to tell you what happened on those dates. If you were alive, you remember exactly where you were when you heard the news.
In each case, the events themselves ultimately had a much smaller impact than the US government’s reaction.
In 1941, it was a war with Japan and Germany – which ended with the use of nuclear weapons and the total destruction of Europe.
In 1963, it was war in Vietnam – where three million Vietnamese and 58,000 US soldiers died.
And in 2001, it was war in Iraq and Afghanistan where over one million Iraqis and 70,000 Afghanis died – and thousands of US soldiers were killed or maimed so badly they can never reintegrate into US society.
You could add January 6th, 2021 to that list if you like.
Because the resulting FBI investigation – using Digital Dragnet Surveillance Technology – is going to rewrite the very idea of America in the years to come.
But what keeps me awake at night…
Is the disturbing sense that the US is headed towards another date that will live in infamy…
One in which your right to privacy and free speech will disappear forever.
The “Walls” of the DDSP
Are Almost In Place
Some people claim a riot took place at the Capital Building on January 6th, 2021.
Others say it was an “insurrection.”
Many of the defendants and die-hard Trump supporters claim they were there to exercise their right to free speech and protest a stolen election.
Whatever really happened, there’s no doubt that January 6th will live in infamy – because of how the US government has chosen to respond.
Frankly, your politics don’t matter one way or the other…
Because the real issue is something far more important – and more sinister.
You see…
In the aftermath of January 6th, the US crossed yet another dangerous threshold.
Most people have no idea this is happening… and you won’t hear anything about it from the mainstream media.
But it’s going to have more of an impact on your rights and freedoms than anything else in your lifetime.
I call it, the Digital Dragnet Surveillance Prison – or DDSP for short – and it’s almost here.
After January 6th, the FBI opened the largest, nationwide investigation in its history – identifying and tracking the 5,723 mobile devices located in a four-acre area surrounding the US Capital Building.
So far, 1,186 people have been charged as a result.
This Digital Dragnet Surveillance was made possible by “Geofencing” technology already built into your Google device.
And here’s the scariest part…
All 37 people who tried to delete their Google tracking data from that day were considered especially suspicious – even if they did nothing wrong…
Just because they happened to be near the Capital that day, they all got a visit from the FBI.
Now, my research and my sources tell me the DDSP is nearly complete. Which means there’s not much time left…
Those who fail to escape it in time… may be trapped for good.
But how did we get here
And why is the US government determined to take away your freedoms?
The US Is Changing…
Right Before Your Eyes
Whatever really happened on September 11th, 2001, the events of that day resulted in the formation of a police state in the US.
The so-called Patriot Act essentially nullified the Bill of Rights by making it legal to spy on US citizens – and yet most people went about their business as if nothing had changed.
With the rise of Big Tech behemoths like Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon – now the wealthiest companies in history – the perfect environment for mass digital surveillance was born.
Not surprisingly…
That’s exactly what we got:
An unholy alliance between Silicon Valley and US intelligence agencies working full-time to create a future where you get to be treated like a dog with an electric shock collar.
Even worse… the data Big Tech collects on you is irresistible to the one entity guaranteed to use it for evil purposes…
Big Tech Vs.
Big Brother
Most people who read this are still in denial about how crazy this situation has become.
So let me just point out the obvious danger signs now popping up almost everywhere you look…
In an interview with Tucker Carlson, attorney Mike Benz revealed what many have long suspected…
Everything the US military and intelligence services learned fighting enemies “over there” is now being used against US citizens here at home.
And while the government will always argue that, “it’s for your own good,” the truth is…
Soccer moms who dare to speak up at school board meetings to oppose the increasingly sexualized curriculum in schools end up labeled as domestic terrorists on an FBI watch list.
You now live in a country where the government uses the same privacy-eliminating tools and weapons they perfected on enemies overseas at home against you and me…
And it’s all totally “legal.”
And if you think this is all some kind of mistake, think about this…
Edward Snowden first went public about government surveillance back in 2013.
Since then, not one government employee involved in this unconstitutional overreach has even been reprimanded.
Just like Snowden predicted…
The US government has built a digital surveillance grid to spy on you and your fellow US citizens – even if you aren’t really doing anything wrong!
If you think people in government won’t find a way to abuse this totalitarian power, you don’t know a thing about history.
Now, before I tell you why all this is happening… where it’s headed… and – most importantly – how you can opt-out by taking a few simple steps…
Let me just introduce myself properly.
The Wrong Side
of Enough!
My name is Glenn Meder…
In 2012, I left a family business to be an entrepreneur – after 22 years on the job.
This was right about the time Edward Snowden exploded his bombshell story about what was really going on inside the US intelligence community.
Snowden risked his life to share damning proof the US government was using The Patriot Act to create a surveillance state through the new technology carried by smartphones.
You weren’t asked if you wanted this… and you weren’t told you would be tracked or surveilled.
Politicians and intelligence agencies simply acted without your approval – which is exactly what the Founding Fathers designed our Founding documents to prevent.
Like all good Americans, I was shocked… angered… and deeply disappointed to find out our government and politicians were betraying our uniquely American values.
But that wasn’t the worst of it…
The thing that set me on my current path was how Snowden was portrayed as the bad guy!
This was not the US I grew up in – and it’s not a place I want my children and grandkids to live in either.
To me, anyone with the guts to stand up for a fundamental right like privacy – blowing the whistle on our paranoid, out-of-control government bureaucracy – is a hero, not a villain.
I’m not even sure you can have a civilized society without privacy. To me… It’s that important.
So I made a decision… because I knew what I had to do.
Down The Online Privacy
Rabbit Hole I Went… Alone
If you’re reading this, it means you understand the crucial importance of taking back your online privacy – but probably don’t know a lot about it. Well…
Back then, I was a lot like you. I knew almost nothing about online privacy and security. So…
I submerged myself – studying everything I could find. It wasn’t long before I realized two things:
I spent eight years fumbling around down that rabbit hole – alone.
What I discovered was simply terrifying – proving I was onto something important. For example:
Facebook figured out it could manipulate vulnerable teenagers to make them feel worthless and insecure.
So, what do you think the good people at Facebook did with that discovery?
They monetized it! What else??!!
They allowed advertisers to use that data to sell products – making money off “worthless” and “insecure” young people. Facebook even has a name for this kind of manipulation:
“Emotional Contagion.”
Now, you may be thinking, “Well, parents should talk to their kids about limiting their time on Facebook and other social media. I mean, no one is forcing you to stay on Facebook.”
I agree. But what if I told you that limiting your social media exposure isn’t enough to prevent Big Tech from manipulating you
What if – for example – it turned out Big Tech was brazenly invading your privacy by eavesdropping on everything you said
Well, that’s exactly what’s happening.
In February 2019, The Atlantic ran a story about Google’s home device, Nest.
It turns out, Google forgot to mention they put a microphone in it that’s been listening to people for years .
Does anyone really believe that was an honest mistake? I sure don’t – and it’s the same with Amazon’s popular home device, Alexa.
Google’s Nest and Amazon’s Alexa might be convenient… but they are also spyware.
If you have one in your home, your house is bugged by the biggest spy agency in history – Big Tech and its Big Brother in crime, the US government.
As if that’s not already bad enough…
Any device in your home can also be hacked by bad actors who can spy on you in your most private moments. In fact…
That’s exactly what happened to Miss Teen USA, Cassidy Wolf, back in 2013.
A guy at her high school, hacked into her camera and spied on her in her bedroom. He even blackmailed her – claiming he had naked photos of the young beauty queen.
Try to imagine some dirtbag spying on your wife, daughter or sister…
“It was traumatizing,” Wolf told CNN.
“It’s your bedroom. That’s your most private, intimate space and that’s where you should feel the most safe.”
I could go on and on…
I knew things were bad. I understood how dangerous the online world had become – and how easy it was to have your online privacy violated.
I felt like I was swimming in a giant cesspool overflowing with “emotional contagions” … lying tech companies… and the ever-present feeling I might get a call from the FBI.
Worst of all, it was obvious to me that most people don’t understand the risks or the scams being played on them.
Most folks are doing absolutely nothing to protect themselves.
I became obsessed with waking people up… with stopping everything I could see happening – before it all went so far that there was no coming back.
But how?
That’s when COVID hit – and all my worst fears proved true.
The government censored… silenced… tracked… and punished anyone who raised any question about what was happening.
They used their new mass digital surveillance dragnet to bring the world to a halt for nearly two full years.
And that’s when it hit me…
That was when I realized the value of what I had done…
The COVID years were like an awakening.
Everything I had studied, researched and implemented to protect my own privacy worked better than a crucifix warding off vampires – in this case, the twin vampires of Big Tech & Big Brother.
ALL my tools and tactics functioned exactly as I predicted – allowing me and my family to go about our daily lives more or less unaffected.
For example:
I have a phone that doesn’t track me or record any data about me and my doings… my whereabouts… my conversations… who I spoke with… what we said… NOTHING.
So, my family and friends were free to have long discussions about what was happening during lockdowns – which saved our sanity and helped us cope.
We could talk freely about what we needed to do to manage ourselves.
It was an invaluable feeling that we were all going to be okay no matter how bad things got – because I had found a way to put distance between us and the people trying to control us.
Not once was I or any of my inner circle worried about someone spying or eavesdropping on our private conversations.
We all said exactly what we wanted to say without fear – because I was 100% confident no one was listening in.
When I transfer money or log in to my banking app, I’m 100% confident no one is going to get ahold of my personal email or password and drain my accounts.
That stuff is locked down tighter than Ft. Knox.
It would take multiple failures to hack any part of my system and anyone who tries would be frustrated at every turn until they finally give up and move on.
I know how to keep all my passwords safe and encrypted at a level even CIA spooks can’t crack.
Imagine having that level of confidence and security.
Picture yourself enjoying the peace of mind that comes from KNOWING you have the upper hand on thieves, hackers and Big Brother. That was my life during lockdowns…
To my delight and amazement…
I realized I had solved the dilemma of online privacy and security – and not a moment too late.
So, instead of keeping my discovery for myself and my family, I put together a solution I could share with others.
And that’s how I came up with…
The Privacy Action Plan
The Privacy Action Plan gives you everything you need to break free of sinister Big Tech surveillance and protect yourself from hackers, spies and thieves.
Each section offers simple, step-by-step instructions – with video demonstrations – so you don’t need any high-level technical skills to take your online life from wherever it is today…
Making you as close to 100% private and secure as it’s possible to be – giving you an entirely new level of security and peace of mind.
In just a few minutes a week, you can implement the fundamentals of the Privacy Action Plan. With my help you can protect yourself from 99.999% of any risks will likely ever face, including:
Hackers And Scams
Microphones And Cameras
Email Risks and Solutons
(No, you don’t need to cancel or stop using Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail or any of your old email services. Those will all die a natural death once you finally migrate to the privacy-protected email services I recommend.)
Privacy Browsers
Privacy VPNS
Privacy and Your Phone
Phone Apps and Privacy
Unhackable Passwords
If you want to protect your privacy – and ensure your freedom for yourself and your family in the years ahead, you need The Privacy Action Plan.
I honestly believe The Privacy Action Plan is the single best source of privacy tips, tricks and advice currently available to regular “non-techie” people at any price.
Apparently, I’m not alone… because here’s what some of my heroes are saying about it:
"There are a lot of privacy experts out there who focus on technical jargon. What sets Glenn apart from the rest is that he has the ability to take complex technical issues and make them simple to understand. Even an 8 year old or an 80 year old who struggles with computers can have faith in the fact that they can learn how to get private and secure online."
The biggest excuse I hear over and over again is that most people think online privacy is just too overwhelming. Even worse…
Most amateurs will try (and fail) to figure it all out on their own.
Rookie mistake.
Watching free YouTube videos by some “expert” will not result in a comprehensive privacy action plan.
I have news for you…
Free advice is free for a reason.
The one thing I don’t hear any of the free advice crowd teaching is the need for a COMPREHENSIVE approach.
It took me nearly a decade to figure out some of the really sneaky ways Big Tech and Big Brother are tracking and spying on you – and what to do about it.
So why would you try to figure everything out on your own – when I already did all the hard work for you?
Why reinvent the wheel
Here’s the truth:
Reclaiming your God-given right to privacy isn’t difficult when you have someone hold your hand and show you how.
That’s why I made The Privacy Action Plan simple to follow – with step-by-step, video demonstrations that show you where to click and exactly what to do for each important topic.
In just a few minutes a week, you can have all your devices secure and private, including:
Your email… your passwords… your bank accounts… your phone… your laptop… your smart TV… your cameras and microphones…
All locked down and secure – turning you and your data into such a difficult target…
Bad actors will simply move on and leave you alone!
You see…
Hackers, scammers, thieves, spies – even Big Tech and Big Brother – all have one thing in common:
They all hope you will be an easy target. They are counting on it. In fact, it’s almost the only way they can get to you.
That’s why you need to make yourself a hard target – and it only takes a few tweaks that literally anyone can do.
If you have someone demonstrate what to do – it’s easy. I can show you how to do it… what to look for… and where to click… in minutes.
The key is to follow a comprehensive plan – so you don’t leave gaping holes in your privacy and security.
That’s what The Privacy Action Plan is…
I’ve even taught The Privacy Action Plan Fundamentals to people over 90 years old.
Many of my students are well into their 70s or 80s.
So, there’s nothing in it that a non-tech-savvy person can’t handle.
I designed the Fundamentals course to be so simple, your grandmother could do it – so even older folks won’t have any trouble following along and implementing what I demonstrate.
No matter how intimidated you may feel when it comes to technology, there’s nothing in here you can’t do. Because…
I personally walk you through everything in step-by-step, video demonstrations – showing you exactly where to click and what to do… and saving you years of hard, frustrating work.
So, it makes absolutely no sense to go study privacy on your own – because I’ve already done the heavy lifting for you.
Plus, you can get my personal guidance in my exclusive, LIVE coaching group. (I’ll tell you more about it in a moment…)
But first…
No… It’s NOT Too Late
I hate to use such a ghoulish metaphor…
But the people behind the Digital Dragnet Surveillance Prison are like vampires.
Their system needs fresh blood in the form of your latest data.
Without that… it dies.
So you may think, “But my info is already out there… it’s too late… there’s nothing I can do.”
They need fresh data – because only fresh data gives the monster the blood it needs to survive.
No data = no monster.
Which means – if you get started now – you CAN reclaim your freedom and expect a MUCH better future than the one being prepared for you by the maniacs in charge.
Better yet, tell your friends and family to take this issue seriously. If enough people opt out…
The whole effort to corral the masses into a DDSP will crumble and fail – driving a stake through the heart of the vampire.
If you’re like most people, more than 99% of your day-to-day internet usage involves simple phone calls, chat messages, and email. Maybe you log in to your bank or some other sensitive site too.
For the huge majority of these day-to-day tasks, eliminating your risks is a total no-brainer.
Just a few days from now, you will have an entirely new outlook on life and the future of our world – because you will have opted out of the government’s monstrous new DDSP.
Just think how you will feel KNOWING your online existence is secure, private – and almost invisible to the DDSP.
The only things Big Tech and Big Brother will see about you are the things you want them to see.
That’s real power – and true security.
Now, if you’re terrified at the direction the US is headed, I promised I would reveal to you why all this is happening in the first place. So brace yourself…
I’ve made it my mission to reach – and save – as many people as I can from the fate I see unfolding in our near future.
Please believe me…
I do not enjoy being the bearer of bad news. But I’m going to level with you…
The people running our government and societal institutions are bent on a future in which they use technology to control absolutely everyone and everything.
In China, this system already exists and our politicians – no matter what they may say about the Communist Party of China – are big admirers of what the Chinese have done. But…
To achieve this Orwellian nightmare, they must have your data – as much as they can get – in a constant, steady stream.
All you have to do to “win” is cut off your stream of data.
It really is that simple.
Then, help your friends and family do likewise.
But why are they trying to enslave us?
Well, for the first time in history, the technology exists to track and control everyone. It’s a totalitarian’s dream come true.
The sad truth is certain personalities love to control other people. These are the kind of people who gravitate toward government power. And right now, they are playing a dangerous game.
Who knows… maybe some of them actually think they are doing the right thing by telling everyone else what to do, how to live, what you can and cannot say – and making damn sure you obey them.
But mostly, I just think the people responsible for this madness are weak… and lost.
They are deeply misguided and disturbed. So they take solace in their ability to dominate others because it gives their lives meaning and a sense of power and accomplishment.
I really don’t know…
But I do know what they have in mind. And it’s a future I hope I never live to see…
By now, you’ve probably heard terms like “CBDC” and “social credit score.”
I wish I could tell you otherwise, but those rumors are true. The ruling class believes it is their job to tell everyone what to do and make us obey.
They want to control your money using Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) – a form of programmable money they can manipulate to control 100% of your buying and spending habits.
They can even decide how much money you get to have – calculating your wealth based on your “social credit score.”
Whatever anyone says about the convenience of such a system…
You can be 100% certain it will be abused and mismanaged by whatever brainless bureaucrats are put in charge of it.
The sociopathic monsters behind all this dystopian planning see you and me as a nuisance… another “mouth to feed”… and a danger to their use and control of finite resources.
The one thing that can stop their diabolical plans – perhaps the ONLY thing that can stop them is…
To use this same technology against them.
Take back control over your data.
Make it impossible for them to track you.
If millions of people refuse to play along…
Their whole, dark vision blows away like smoke in a gale.
In case you can’t tell by now…
I’m obsessed with this topic.
Well, I have a very good reason…
If you don’t think this is the single most important issue of our time…
Ask yourself this question:
What will you do without your freedom ?
You see, this isn’t really about you and me. It’s about our children – and their children.
What kind of world will your kids and grandkids inhabit if we fail to push back against this never-ending erosion of our God-given right to privacy and free speech?
If you don’t take action to stop the maniacs trying to create this digital prison, there is no hope that future generations will live in the kind of world we got to enjoy.
I’m talking about a world in which there are limits to government – where the people in charge of the state aren’t allowed to do whatever they want to whomever they don’t like.
Right now, all this is happening because they can spy on anyone… find out anything… and have total legal impunity to take any action they want.
It has to stop – or it’s game over for humanity.
Your children will end up little better than farm animals – reduced to abject slavery as taxable cattle.
If you don’t take action now to deny the monster access to your data…
Our children will think of us as the last generation that enjoyed the freedom to think, speak, live and enjoy life… and the ones who dropped the ball and blew it for them.
I don’t know about you, but I simply cannot live with that legacy.
Freedom is too precious to throw away because a bunch of misguided, power-mad atheists think they can do whatever they damn well please. Well, not if I can help it.
So we must act now. Only millions of disobedient (but peaceful) people can put a stop to what’s happening.
Privacy and security online are no longer just nice-to-have. These things are now a matter of freedom or enslavement – for you and the future of humanity.
The good news is…
Putting a stop to all this madness is so easy… it’s so simple… I’ve already done all the hard work for you.
All you have to do is commit to a few minutes of action each week until your data is secure and you’ve denied the bad guys your pint of blood.
And just to show you I’m here to help you all the way…
I’ve even created a live coaching group where you get to ask me questions and I answer you in real time – live each week.
(You can find out the details on the next page.)
Their plans all depend on one thing:
Uninterrupted access to your newest data.
When you starve them of fresh data about you, their whole system suffocates and dies.
Problem solved.
Now a lot of people who see this message will simply ignore it. They will keep right on acting as if nothing is wrong. Pretending to themselves everything is going to work out fine.
I urge you not to be one of them.
I hope you see the madness around you and decide to take a stand. That’s what I did and it was the best decision of my life. And I’m not alone.
Just look at what some of my other students say:
The way I see it, you have a decision to make.
You can pretend you never saw this message and go back to sleep… a terrible mistake for anyone who cares about freedom…
Or you can take this dangerous situation by the horns and come with me… fight the good fight… and strike a blow for liberty – while you still can.
And to help you decide wisely, I have one more bonus gift to help you…
Look, I’m not going to sugarcoat this…
Google is the #1 threat to your online life and privacy.
What’s worse is…
Google is also by far the #1 provider of online services.
Their Chrome Browser owns 65% of all internet traffic…
Google’s Android phone has over 80% market share in the smartphone world…
And Google’s ability to spy on and track you is simply lightyears ahead of any other company on earth.
That’s not really surprising when you consider that founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page were essentially funded by the CIA – even during their time at Stanford.[1]
So it’s also not surprising that you need to take what steps you can to make sure Google isn’t spying on you too.
Because if you use Chrome… have an Android phone… have a Gmail address… or are connected to Google in any way…
Your have zero privacy right now.
The good news is, I created a comprehensive guide to help you totally eliminate the the Google menace from your life – for good.
It’s my Special Report: How to De-Google Your Life.
In just a few minutes a day, following met step-by-step instructions, you can reduce and finally eliminate Google from your life.
And you’ll feel a lot better when you do.
I’ll show you how to:
I even show you a few excellent alternatives to Google Docs… Google Drive… and YouTube (also owned by Google and a massive source of tracking and spying).
Think of this valuable special report as your final checklist to make sure Google is totally out of your life… for good.
Just going through this short document puts you in the 99th percentile in terms of privacy and security.
It’s my special gift to you – to show you how much I want to help you take back your freedom and your privacy.
You Risk Nothing
I honestly believe The Privacy Action Plan is the single best source for reclaiming your God-given right to privacy currently available at any price.
If you don’t agree, you can simply send me and my team an email within 30 days and get a full refund – and we can part as friends.
I think that’s fair, don’t you?
So now you know why privacy matters… who and what the major threats are… and how the Privacy Action Plan can save you and your family a lot of grief in the years ahead.
You also know why I am so driven to stop the slide into the totalitarian world being prepared for us by the likes of Klaus Schwab and his ilk.
You and I are in a generational war for freedom.
The forces trying to tomahawk individual liberty will not stop at merely snooping on your emails.
They want to force you to live in 15-minute cities… program your money so you can only buy what they approve… and give you bugs to eat – while they fly to Switzerland in their private jets to decide what you will do next.
No thanks.
If you don’t want your children to live in a world with decidedly less freedom, then you need to take a stand right now.
As a parting thought, let me leave you with this…
The US is in big trouble. We’ve forgotten our roots – the very things that made us great.
The good news is there is a way out of the mess we are in.
The way out is the way back.
Back to our traditional values… belief in God… privacy and free speech… and healthy children who know what they are and are proud of where they came from.
The world needs a better way to interact online. The key is privacy.
To achieve privacy and stop government overreach, the single best thing you can do is implement the best practices I’ve discovered and made available to you in…
The Privacy Action Plan.
Click below and I’ll see you on the inside.