Privacy Academy Blog

Freedom of Thought

I’m sure that you’ve heard of Freedom Speech before, but what about Freedom of Thought? And can censorship actually control people’s minds? If so, do you self-censor? Are you brainwashed without knowing it? The path of a truth seeker is one of discernment. Too much


A Grassroots Movement for Goldbacks

Do you see my livestream yesterday? I think it was one of the most important ones we’ve ever done. Please watch the replay and share it with everyone you can. My goal is to create a grassroots movement to get people using Goldbacks. Goldbacks are


Why you shoul have a Linux Computer w/ Peter Pont

Your computer isn’t private… Apple isn’t private. Windows isn’t private. In fact, these companies are ACTIVELY using their operating systems to collect data on you! Anything you do on your Windows/Apple computer is “compromised” by their system. And AI is making it even worse. Windows


Your computer is not private.

I’ve wanted to recommend a privacy oriented laptop for you, for a long time. I have tested countless laptops, and operating systems but I could never find one that I felt excited to recommend. But that has changed, I finally found something that has really


Who’s behind the madness – new video

Who’s behind all of the madness going on in the world? Is it a President, government party, Darth Vader, or an investment cartel? There are many pieces to the puzzle… but there is a NGO (Non-Government Organization) that is behind it all. In today’s video

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